Friday, 3 January
Today's Topic
Tis the season for your manifesto

Skill + Do

Everything and anything goes with manifestos. Start with what you believe in, want, and expect of yourself…and you’re off and running.

The TOP 10% are those who not only create visions but also articulate them. Goals are the transactional elements that drive the visions.

Remember, "goals" refers not only to your revenue quota but also to goals you set each quarter for accounts, skills, and buyers. These are goals you set each quarter that help you manage performance.

Vision must contain loftier ideals and ambitions. And that’s where manifestos come into play. They are an important part of the vision and belief fabric that keeps you laughing when you want to frown!

Personal manifestos could include inspirational quotes, poems, inspirational mantras, and belief statements. If, when reading your manifesto, you become brighter and more at ease with where you are in the world, then your manifesto is working.

Everything and anything goes with manifestos. Start with what you believe in, what you want, and what you expect of yourself…and you’re off and running. Don’t limit yourself, yet be mindful to include the best stuff first. When you pick up your manifesto – which might be daily, weekly, or something else – you’ll want to be able to get what you need and not feel guilty skipping anything.

In the big, bad, competitive world of sales, you’re not alone when you feel you’re walking barefoot uphill in a snowstorm. Remember, there are many people who are rooting for you…even your customers are rooting for you. It’ll be easier to rely on your belief system if it’s written down and available.

Tomorrow - January 13

That tense moment in your meetings

January 11 - 12


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January 10

Pitch meeting agendas, (part 2 of 2)

It is undebatable that preparing agendas guarantees productive interactions. And yet, agendas prevent elements that may adversely affect your meeting intentions and goals.

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January 9

Pitch meeting agendas, (part 1 of 2)

Your buyer relaxes the second you present a formal agenda because they know you won’t waste their time. There IS no downside to using agenda, so get disciplined and do it!

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"I have a personal ambition to live my life honestly and honor the true love that I’ve had and also the people I’ve had around me. I want to stay hopeful, even though I get scared about why we’re even alive at all." Lana Del Rey

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