Tuesday, 24 October
Today's Topic
On This Day

Skill + Do

Work must include joy and meaning, or else it might be time to hand it over to the bots. Being focused as a seller implies you enjoy the routine and can create fun along the way.

Are the two driving focal points of a salesperson’s work – closing deals and filling the pipeline – enough to produce a long-term, fulfilling career experience? Is work satisfaction only tied to those two elements?


Certainly, joy can be experienced when you develop a prospect and create demand for your offering, and joy is found in closing the said deal…but the real joy comes from your approach to your work. And the bonds you create over time. It’s the little moments and fun of the day that you can help create that provide joy. Joy has to be a part of the doing, not just the getting (i.e. getting a new client signed on).

It’s interesting why it works this way, but years from now, you’ll remember the battles and how you and others solved problems for customers more than you remember how much you made in ’23 commissions.

If you know how to focus on your task – growing revenue – and creating joy along the way, you will lead a fulfilling and meaningful career.

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On This Day, Mae Jemison

You have heard it a thousand times… *you can be anything you want to be….if you put in the work". Great. But it takes an initial boost to start defining that dream.

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"I don't know"

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"To be successful, all you have to do is work half-days. You can work the first twelve hours, or the second twelve hours." Don Shula

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