Saturday/Sunday, November 23 - 24
Today's Topic

Skill + Do

Pets are a seller’s best friend, right?

Cats break into hilarious play routines at exactly the right time – just when you’re ready to throw your laptop out the window.

And dogs just stare at you until you get your butt off the dumb chair. (Who needs the walk more?)

Birds. Bunnies. Turtles. Snakes. (Yes, snakes.) They all give you a sense of joy that you don’t get in other ways.

It’s obvious why pets are so lovable…their unconditional love is a nice change from what everyone else gives you throughout your sales life.

This weekend, focus more of your normal attention on your pet.

Instead of that long walk in the woods with your dog, make it an extra long walk.

In place of that little toy at the end of the stick that drives your cat crazy…go buy a new toy and see if it adds to everyone’s playful joy.

Currently pet-less? Maybe a trip to the adoption center is what you need!?

Tomorrow - December 6

Open your eyes on "Closed-Losts"

Today - December 5

SAVE your end-of-year commish

Playing for extra cash every 90 days is a golden opportunity to create freedom both today and tomorrow. Tithe at least ten percent of each commission check.

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December 4

Time mgmt: slow down December

Regular and consistent focus on priorities and decision-making removes the sting of disappointment you might feel when appraising your time management skills.

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December 3

Your REALLY fun holiday party (??)

Where else are ya gonna wear your bad holiday sweater that Aunt Alice bought you last year? Proudly wear it at your office holiday party in her honor…make Alice’s year!

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“Mindfulness meditation doesn’t change life. Life remains as fragile and unpredictable as ever. Meditation changes the heart’s capacity to accept life as it is.” Sylvia Boorstein

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