Skill + Do
Develop champions. Develop at least one on every account. You’ll need them to help get the order across the line and to help save a piece of business when it’s about to be canceled.
If the first key to saving business is to believe you can turn the customer around, what do you think the second key step is?
Cool, you’ve been paying attention. You’re right: pushing like crazy to find someone to talk to and tell you how you missed out.
Intro stage left: your champion. Your champion is the person on the account who will feed you the insights if the account is dead, and help you save the business if possible.
You’ll respond, "But if I had a champion, I wouldn’t need to use her/him to save the business. The biz would already be won."
Maybe. But as you travel right back to "GO" and collect your $200, understand that it doesn’t always work like that.
Develop champions.
Develop at least one on every account. You’ll need them to help get the order across the line and to help save a piece of business when it’s about to be canceled. You can only do so much from the outside looking in; you need an advocate inside the org who can do some heavy lifting for ya.
Push yourself further…fight for every ounce, and make yourself proud to be called a sales professional.
Tomorrow - January 13
That tense moment in your meetings
January 11 - 12
January 10
Pitch meeting agendas, (part 2 of 2)
It is undebatable that preparing agendas guarantees productive interactions. And yet, agendas prevent elements that may adversely affect your meeting intentions and goals.
January 9
Pitch meeting agendas, (part 1 of 2)
Your buyer relaxes the second you present a formal agenda because they know you won’t waste their time. There IS no downside to using agenda, so get disciplined and do it!
"You can’t turn a no into a yes without a maybe in between." Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood in House of Cards
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