Friday, 12 April
Today's Topic
Plan a summer vacation NOW.

Skill + Do

For sellers, vacations are tangible representations of hard – and smart – work. In the year after you made 30% more in commissions, you deserve a vacation worth 30% more fun.

According to Harvard Business Review, more than half of Americans give up some PTO every year.

And, a study by the U.S. Travel Association in 2018 found that unused vacation time amounted to 768 million days, with more than 30% of it forfeited completely.

You don’t need facts like these to remind you of the regenerative benefits of vacation.

Still, for sellers, holiday time takes on a deeper meaning due to the profound physical and emotional energy that’s expended 50-some-odd weeks a year. The fact is, selling clears out your tank more than any other job on the planet.

For sellers, vacations are tangible representations of hard – and smart – work. In the year after you made 30% more in commissions, you deserve a vacation worth 30% more fun. Whether you define that by spending 30% more money or taking 30% more time is up to you.

Time is your enemy when you’re grinding Monday through Friday, so it makes sense to get some of it back on your vacations.

Tomorrow - December 6

Open your eyes on "Closed-Losts"

Today - December 5

SAVE your end-of-year commish

Playing for extra cash every 90 days is a golden opportunity to create freedom both today and tomorrow. Tithe at least ten percent of each commission check.

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December 4

Time mgmt: slow down December

Regular and consistent focus on priorities and decision-making removes the sting of disappointment you might feel when appraising your time management skills.

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December 3

Your REALLY fun holiday party (??)

Where else are ya gonna wear your bad holiday sweater that Aunt Alice bought you last year? Proudly wear it at your office holiday party in her honor…make Alice’s year!

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"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time." John Lubbock

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