Skill + Do
Listen to your mom: "…don’t dress like a slob." At the same time, don’t be afraid to dress with personality. But definitely, dress like you can handle a big order from your customer.
"The clothes make the man."
It’s unclear who first uttered that adage. Still, interestingly, the proverb was first recorded in English in the early 15th century and was probably derived by a classical Greek saying, "The man is his clothing."
Years ago, it became fashionable in business to be UN-fashionable. It seemed the smartest folks were first to care less about how they looked. Eventually, all bets came off and now…anything goes.
But sales is one of the last professions where dress still matters. The legal and medical professions are similar. How would you feel if your surgeon visited you in shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops before your procedure?
When thinking about your attire for every day at your job – be it in the office or with the customer – shoot somewhere down the middle between your mom’s urging ("don’t dress like a slob") and your attorney friends who look sharp all the time.
Tomorrow - February 7
"Umm, could you repeat that?"
Today - February 6
Pitch meeting management musts
Selling is a series of "one shot to make a good impression," so you must make the most out of your customer meetings. Even if you’ve seen this client a million times, create a meeting agenda!
February 5
No, no, LOVE prospecting
Prospecting is about energy. Immense energy is needed to get started, but the energy produced by prospecting is limitless. Harnessing the energy needed to get started is easier than you think.
February 4
Buyers hold your pipeline truth
You look at some of your opps and know inherently they’re dead. So….cut bait. It’ll clear your head and allow you to focus on closing the opportunities in your pipeline that have a real chance.
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." Mark Twain
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