Tuesday, 7 May
Today's Topic
Today is Give Yourself a Break day.

Skill + Do

Indeed, you deserve a break today…and tomorrow. Be as good at practicing self-deprecating humor, grace, and forgiveness as you are at practicing your presentations.

You have the potential to do great things…today, tomorrow, this year, next year, and throughout your long career.

You’ll reach heights you can’t even see right now.

You’ll overcome challenges that look and feel as scary as burning hell.

All this goodness coming your way begins with grace and forgiveness…for yourself…BY you.

It’s great if you’re one of those hard-driven, fully engaged, maniacal workers who doesn’t coast at any time or for any reason. But as you’ve figured it out by now, bright stars tend to burn out.

Run a marathon, not a sprint.

Be as good at practicing self-deprecating humor, grace, and forgiveness as you are at practicing your presentations.

There are amazing resources in your world that can help you – books, podcasts, friends, professional coaches – so don’t sit back and keep grinding on a path that creates stress and anxiety.

Say it out loud, "I’m pretty damn special."

Tomorrow - October 11

On This Day, SNL was born

Today - October 10

"How can I help you?"

Read More

October 9

How serious is your customer?

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October 8

I Didn't Get the Business

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"To be brilliant in sales, you must allow yourself to fail…YOU are your best teacher.” Robin Bolner

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