Skill + Do
A goal without a timeline is just a dream.
Goals are essential, but measurement is the glue. To become good at goal-setting, you must use the SMART measurement framework.
SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Against each goal, write a few sentences for each SMART criterion.
The most straightforward criterion to complete is the last one, T for Time-bound. Since these are 90 days goals, your deadline is already set as the end of Q3. To better help your attempts to complete your SMART work, ask yourself, "Specifically, what does success look like for each of these goals on September 30?"
The S in SMART is for Specific – and that speaks for itself.
Measurable is crucial because if you can’t measure your goal, how will you know you are successful? Create metrics for success that you can use to understand progress.
Achievable refers to those above of creating goals you can hit yet will push you a bit too. This part is a little art vs. science.
And Relevant is simply making sure your plan aligns with your job function and what your department is doing in the big picture.
Setting and working towards goals is not hard, but it can be intimidating because of the fear of failure. However, nobody anywhere said goals should be unreachable. The truth is just the opposite. Goal setting is about establishing accomplishments that can be attained. Success, not failure, is the objective. You can expect there will be some failures. (You don’t close every deal, do you?) Nevertheless, failure is what makes learning so valuable.
Tomorrow - February 7
"Umm, could you repeat that?"
Today - February 6
Pitch meeting management musts
Selling is a series of "one shot to make a good impression," so you must make the most out of your customer meetings. Even if you’ve seen this client a million times, create a meeting agenda!
February 5
No, no, LOVE prospecting
Prospecting is about energy. Immense energy is needed to get started, but the energy produced by prospecting is limitless. Harnessing the energy needed to get started is easier than you think.
February 4
Buyers hold your pipeline truth
You look at some of your opps and know inherently they’re dead. So….cut bait. It’ll clear your head and allow you to focus on closing the opportunities in your pipeline that have a real chance.
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars." Les Brown
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