Saturday/Sunday, June 24 - 25
Today's Topic
Strategic Account Planning


While weekends should generally be dedicated to fun and rest, there will be some weekends when you gotta put in some time. Based on your end-of-quarter account review/preview meetings coming up, this may be one of those weekends.

That’s okay – the TOP 10% often work on weekends. Weekends give your brain space to think in ways it doesn’t compute during the week. If you work for a company with no formal account review protocol, you should take it upon yourself to formally review your accounts this time every quarter. Given it’s the weekend, make your laptop time productive because you need some fun too.


If you’re working on your account planning this weekend, it may be a good time to review your A accounts and learn more about your VITOs….your Very Important Top Officers.

Turn on some jazz and stick your nose inside your CRM to discover which VITOs need attention in the next 90 days. While at it, chart how many of them you saw in the last 90-day quarter. Strategic account reviews are intended to create collaboration between you and your sales management, so when you show up with a list of who you’ve seen and, more importantly, who you have to get appointments with, your manager will appreciate your attention to this important element of your account planning.

Tomorrow - January 21

Assertiveness v. Aggressiveness

Today - January 20

On this Day: Martin Luther King, Jr.

There’s a lot in common between a preacher and a seller: both are passionate about influencing the minds of others. Follow Martin Luther King Jr.’s lead and focus on what is best for your customers.

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January 18 - 19


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January 17

Role-playing made easy

You cringe when being forced to role-play in a group because few managers know how to run a good session. Role-playing should begin first with 1:1 sessions with your favorite work friends.

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"It’s okay if every weekend doesn’t lead to big moments and campfires and laughter that carries on for hours and hours." Morgan Harper Nichols

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