Friday, 18 August
Today's Topic
Relationship Building

Skill + Do

Sales is a fun and rewarding job, and much of it is because of the friendships you’ll make. Some of those friendships will be casual, some meaningful. But it’s your champions who matter the most.

It’s irrefutable that having a champion on an account can send you into the commission stratosphere. Two or three champions pushing on your rope across multiple accounts can propel you into the Hall of Fame in any given year.

Ahhh, if it were only that easy.

There is no formula for developing a champion because every one of your prospects and clients is a unique individual who wants different things and is driven by different motivations.

Having said that, four constants exist around champion development:

1. Play the incrementality game. Start by asking for small favors.
2. Payback in spades. Concert tix and meals are good rewards, but making the champion shine inside their org is ideal.
3. Determine relationship strength and limits: if you don’t ask, you never know if that buyer can grow into a champion.
4. What do you want? Have a specific plan about what you need from the champion… there are only a handful of things, and the list probably looks like this…
– help to get other company officers to put their pens in their hands and sign the contract
– information
– unlocking internal problems and obstacles
– introductions

Don’t ever stop champion development…you need all the heavy hitters on your side that you can get.

Tomorrow - September 13

Your '25 quota IS negotiable

Today - September 12

On This Day, Mae Jemison

You have heard it a thousand times… *you can be anything you want to be….if you put in the work". Great. But it takes an initial boost to start defining that dream.

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September 11

Upgrade your referrals strategy

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September 10

"I don't know"

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“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” – Dale Carnegie

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