Saturday/Sunday, January 11 - 12
Today's Topic


This weekend, don’t even let the word "skills" enter into your brain. That’s for Monday through Friday.

While skills development and self-driven improvement are the backbone of why you visit MySalesDay regularly, take a page from Kristin Neff’s book and leave it alone for a few days.


Whether it’s archery, bird-watching, javelin throwing, or clipping your nails…do something for you today that fulfills your inner joy.

Costco and Home Depot can wait. Save those visits for Tuesday night after work.

Today needs to be about you.


If you want to combine mindfulness with fun YT comedy skits, watch this sharp-witted yoga instructor parody her class in this bit titled, "Passive Aggressive Yoga Instructor."

Listen closely…her tongue is finely tuned, and she’s hilarious. (The comments on the YT page about are juicy, too.)

Mindfulness can be funny too, ya know!

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“See if you can allow gentle self-acceptance to coexist with the active drive for self-improvement.” Kristin Neff

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