Thursday, 10 October
Today's Topic
"How can I help you?"


What does your typical buyer really care about?

You: "There’s no such thing as a typical buyer."


Don’t assume you know what’s driving each of your buyers. And there’s only one way to get the answer you need…


You may know a lot about the objectives and strategies of your target companies, but it’s your ability to understand individual buyer motivations that will create better relationships and trust.

Probe early in the funnel with each buyer to understand how you can help them.

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Finding the truth about why your key prospects care about your offering (or not) really comes down to asking them.

And getting the courage to ask such a question comes down to creating your seller’s voice that has to work for you. Or…you won’t ask.

Today, write your script that will give you the courage to ask about individual buyer motivations. Here are some examples…take ’em, or create your own:

1. What do you want to get out of this deal we’re proposing?

2. "What specifically excites you about spending this budget?"

3. "How would a deal with us affect your individual role?"

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Sure…it’s now become a cliche, but there’s no other "Oomph" that would be appropriate here than the "Help me help you" scene from Jerry Maguire.

Enjoy this fine piece of cinema!

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"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." Mother Teresa

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