Thursday, 18 January
Today's Topic
That Tense Moment with a Prospect

Skill + Do

Don’t kill yourself for not coming up with the perfect line when customers back you into a corner. Manage your emotions and present yourself calmly – that’s the win you’re looking for.

Business can be emotional; it can get hot…especially in sales!

There are going to be situations and moments when you sweat. That’s a good thing. It means you care and are invested!

In those instances when a customer pushes you flush against the wall, you probably won’t be able to come up with the killer line that will be so obvious to you later on. That’s ok. You’re human.

Instead of worrying about creating a cache of lines you can use in situations that hit you like bricks, focus instead on how you handle yourself…your reactions.

Rule Number One: Don’t let them see you sweat. Take an extra breath and maintain your composure. Some buyers intentionally want to get you into a frenzied state because it gives them leverage to transact later. Stay focused on you and how you respond. Go slowly.

You are a smart, capable, confident, affable, and selfless professional….yes, you are a professional. Act like one.

Whether or not these rare situations with customers occur with others in the room, you’ll want your behavior to pass muster with the only person who matters: you.

Be honest, respectful, and calm. What else can you do?

Tomorrow - February 7

"Umm, could you repeat that?"

Today - February 6

Pitch meeting management musts

Selling is a series of "one shot to make a good impression," so you must make the most out of your customer meetings. Even if you’ve seen this client a million times, create a meeting agenda!

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February 5

No, no, LOVE prospecting

Prospecting is about energy. Immense energy is needed to get started, but the energy produced by prospecting is limitless. Harnessing the energy needed to get started is easier than you think.

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February 4

Buyers hold your pipeline truth

You look at some of your opps and know inherently they’re dead. So….cut bait. It’ll clear your head and allow you to focus on closing the opportunities in your pipeline that have a real chance.

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"The older I get, the less I listen to what people say and the more I look at what they do." Andrew Carnegie

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