Thursday, 12 October
Today's Topic
Did you read this book?

Skill + Do

Reaching and maintaining success in sales requires self-driven study…and experience. Read the book Peak and you’ll give yourself a gift of lesson number one: always work on your skills.

Ever heard of the 10,000-hour rule? Malcolm Gladwell popularized it in his book


. The research of the 10k/hr. theory is based on the research of Anders Ericsson, a Ph.D. and Professor of Psychology at Florida State University and the author of Peak.

In Peak, Ericsson takes a whack at the 10,000-hour rule thing and concludes that "talent is overrated." (Whoa!) With data, Ericsson uses


to present that hard work still rules the day.

As you know, success in selling is about maintaining a high level of performance through numerous behaviors and activities. In the book, Ericsson shares research conducted on chess grandmasters, musicians, ballerinas, and others deemed experts in their craft. The research conclusively shows that deliberate practice trumps innate talent in the battle for the podium in any given area of expertise.

This book needs to be on top of your bookshelf…with dog-eared pages and lots of tabs to prove it was used not only for entertainment. It’s a performance bible and should be part of your individual skill development gospel!

Tomorrow - October 11

On This Day, SNL was born

Today - October 10

"How can I help you?"

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October 9

How serious is your customer?

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October 8

I Didn't Get the Business

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"This is a fundamental truth about any sort of practice: if you never push yourself beyond your comfort zone, you will never improve." K. Anders Ericsson

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