Skill + Do
Sellers shouldn’t wonder why they’re so exhausted on Friday nights…it takes energy to constantly wear a smile on the outside AND inside.
Having a positive attitude is nine-tenths of the battle, eh?
A guy behind the desk at a rental car spot can smile and appear cheery to the customer, but in quiet moments, that same rep might mutter to himself, "…stupid Mr. Johnson… I hate that guy… he got all huffy at me ‘cuz he wants an hour extension on turning the car in."
That kind of mental back-biting doesn’t help. It hurts.
Sellers won’t benefit from that Jeckly/Hyde dance of smiling and being nice while cursing inside.
Not only do sellers understand what goes into the universe comes back from the universe, but they also inherently understand it’s easier to be nice and positive.
Developing a positive attitude can’t be a sporadic practice; sellers need to develop muscle that creates a consistent mindset. Here’s the good news: developing mental discipline and attitude consistency IS possible. It merely requires constant attention and work.
Don’t wonder why you’re so exhausted on Friday nights…it takes energy to constantly wear a smile on the outside AND inside.
Tomorrow - September 13
Your '25 quota IS negotiable
Today - September 12
On This Day, Mae Jemison
You have heard it a thousand times… *you can be anything you want to be….if you put in the work". Great. But it takes an initial boost to start defining that dream.
September 11
Upgrade your referrals strategy
September 10
"I don't know"
"Negative attitude is nine times more powerful than positive attitude." Bikram Choudhury
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