Monday, 6 May
Today's Topic
On this day, Sigmund Freud

Skill + Do

Reading buyers and understanding their motivations is hard for all sellers. At a minimum, try to open communication lines as broadly as possible and follow The Golden Rule.

By nature, you’re a chameleon who gets along with everyone. And, as a seller, you can get anyone and everyone excited about your company and offering.

Everyone? Hmmmm….

Face the facts: even those on the fringe whom you think buy your act…don’t. It’s not that you’re not talented or good at relating to people, but it’s impossible to hit it off with everyone. But it’s your responsibility to try clicking with everyone. (Buyers aren’t thinking about you at all in that regard.)

Here are a few quick tips that might expand your pool of those willing to throw roses at you during your next parade:
1. Smile. Everyone responds favorably to that.

2. Show interest in everyone — sincere interest. Empathy goes a long way toward creating bonds. Take extra effort with those you don’t click with and get them to do ALL of the talking; you just keep listening. (Somewhere in there, you’ll find something to bond over.)

3. Extend yourself to everyone and offer to do things for them….just because. Giving is the new black.

Beyond the above, understand you won’t get along with everyone…but trying might turn someone you don’t think you’d get along with into a trusted buyer…and friend.

Tomorrow - December 6

Open your eyes on "Closed-Losts"

Today - December 5

SAVE your end-of-year commish

Playing for extra cash every 90 days is a golden opportunity to create freedom both today and tomorrow. Tithe at least ten percent of each commission check.

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December 4

Time mgmt: slow down December

Regular and consistent focus on priorities and decision-making removes the sting of disappointment you might feel when appraising your time management skills.

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December 3

Your REALLY fun holiday party (??)

Where else are ya gonna wear your bad holiday sweater that Aunt Alice bought you last year? Proudly wear it at your office holiday party in her honor…make Alice’s year!

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Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief. Sigmund Freud

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