Monday, 1 July
Today's Topic
Yay, holiday weeks...go nuts!

Skill + Do

The hardest part of a holiday week is to actually get something done if you’re working. Setting micro goals for the week will help you be productive and feel good about the slowness of the week.

You weren’t thinking of coasting this week, were ya??


‘Cuz holiday weeks invite various opportunities that don’t exist during non-holiday weeks. This week, you might be able to do some thinking.

Certainly, getting more organized is a good slow-week assignment, but it shouldn’t stop there.

Here are three ideas that might make a difference between this week being a good week versus a wow week:

1. Call clients. Yup, pick up the phone. Not every one of your prospects and clients is off this week. Give spontaneity a chance to be rewarded: challenge yourself to get a meeting this week with a customer. Try this, "Hey, maybe you’re not 110% booked this week like other weeks…wanna meet Wednesday at 10a to talk about blah blah?"

2. Socialize with a client this week. Take #1 and replace "meeting" with "lunch" or "drink."

3. Think. Pick something on your list requiring substantive strategic thinking, and then…think! Try this: review your Q3 strategic account plans and grab members of your enablement team who can meet… and have at it. Think together. (And talk, too. Sitting silently together in a room or Zoom while thinking by yourselves would be awkward.) The subtle slowness of the week may illicit more space for ideas and revelations that could unlock some challenges on your stickier challenges.

Tomorrow - February 7

"Umm, could you repeat that?"

Today - February 6

Pitch meeting management musts

Selling is a series of "one shot to make a good impression," so you must make the most out of your customer meetings. Even if you’ve seen this client a million times, create a meeting agenda!

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February 5

No, no, LOVE prospecting

Prospecting is about energy. Immense energy is needed to get started, but the energy produced by prospecting is limitless. Harnessing the energy needed to get started is easier than you think.

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February 4

Buyers hold your pipeline truth

You look at some of your opps and know inherently they’re dead. So….cut bait. It’ll clear your head and allow you to focus on closing the opportunities in your pipeline that have a real chance.

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“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” Stephen R. Covey

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