Monday, 22 July
Today's Topic
Your Mgr is rooting for you

Skill + Do

It would be idyllic if your sales manager looked you in the eye and said, "I work for you." While it’s cliche to say you need to train your manager, you play a big role in the relationship.

Unfortunately, the modern-day sales management job has become more of a firefighter role than that of a teacher or advisor. Still, going to lunch with your manager is an opportune time to access the advisor side of your sales manager.

Most sales managers are good advisors, so be prepared for questions coming back at you. The best managers start with a standard, excellent default question, "…so, what do YOU think is the best solution?"

Whether your topic is about everyday issues – like resolving a personal conflict on the team – it goes without saying you’ll deliver the facts and keep the emotion and drama to a minimum. The same goes if you’re talking about something like compensation. Either way, your manager will be eager to hear your solutions and the thinking behind them.

Even if you have a strong rapport with your manager, you know each meeting can have a different color. Whether it’s an in-office one-on-one or you’re out at lunch, it doesn’t matter. This is why you know you have to be prepared, be focused, do your homework, present facts, and bring a few solutions, including rationalization.

Tomorrow - January 21

Assertiveness v. Aggressiveness

Today - January 20

On this Day: Martin Luther King, Jr.

There’s a lot in common between a preacher and a seller: both are passionate about influencing the minds of others. Follow Martin Luther King Jr.’s lead and focus on what is best for your customers.

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January 18 - 19


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January 17

Role-playing made easy

You cringe when being forced to role-play in a group because few managers know how to run a good session. Role-playing should begin first with 1:1 sessions with your favorite work friends.

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"Tough times never last, but tough people do." Robert Schuller

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