Tuesday, 9 July
Today's Topic
"How am I differentiated??" (Gulp.)

Skill + Do

Your VP is a weapon that should require a permit to use. Do you use it as such? That would mean you wield it like a sword to differentiate your company and offering.

Nothing against your marketing or enablement teams, but if you recite the VP they created in a pitch meeting, your customer will look at you as if you have two heads. Mostly, VPs are written as sales collateral, not talking tracks.

To get to a place where your VP sounds great to your customers, you may want to try these two ideas:

1. Edit the VP so it’s street-ready. You will not anger your internal teams or even your sales manager for doing so. Speaking up about needed edits will unleash other feedback and suggestions that will help strengthen this dynamic tool for everyone.

2. Once you have developed a talk track that sounds right, practice saying the words aloud to hear how they sound. Take it a step further and speak the VP into your phone’s voice recorder app; it’s guaranteed you’ll hear things you can improve upon when listening to the recording. That move will help you apply easy fixes that make the VP sound more human and customer-focused.

The most important step in practicing your VP is what happens when you grab a friend inside the org and role-play different scenarios.

VPs are dynamic tools that should be framed individually for every customer and different situations. Practicing them with a peer will sharpen your skills and turbo-charge this skill for you.

Tomorrow - January 21

Assertiveness v. Aggressiveness

Today - January 20

On this Day: Martin Luther King, Jr.

There’s a lot in common between a preacher and a seller: both are passionate about influencing the minds of others. Follow Martin Luther King Jr.’s lead and focus on what is best for your customers.

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January 18 - 19


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January 17

Role-playing made easy

You cringe when being forced to role-play in a group because few managers know how to run a good session. Role-playing should begin first with 1:1 sessions with your favorite work friends.

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"Don’t just say what you do well, show what you do differently." Jack Hanson

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