Saturday/Sunday, September 21 - 22
Today's Topic

Skill + Do

Another long slog of a week?

Yeah…sales weeks are like that.

But don’t let last week stay in your head.

Forget about that comment your manager made. (..stupid comment. NOT stupid manager.)

Forget about losing that piece of biz you thought was coming in. You’ll get that account someday.

Forget about last week’s pressures. It’s time to focus on yourself and what makes you happy.

Today’s quote is offered by Ivan Nuru, a.k.a. Ivan Logan. Ivan is a Mississippi-based writer inspired by experiences and the art of healing. He spends most of his time reading and writing poetry.

Have you tried your hand at poetry?

Yeah, that’s a toughie. But maybe it’s for you? (Don’t poo-poo anything ’til ya try it.)

What about journaling?

Today, find that journal app on your phone and open it. Maybe a loving conversation between you and yourself is what you need to let go of last week and enjoy the weekend.

Tomorrow - October 11

On This Day, SNL was born

Today - October 10

"How can I help you?"

Read More

October 9

How serious is your customer?

Read More

October 8

I Didn't Get the Business

Read More

“If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.” Ivan Nuru

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