Tuesday, 26 September
Today's Topic
Emotional Intelligence

Skill + Do

Whether it’s a snarky email from a client or an obnoxious comment from a peer at a company outing, you must learn to manage your reactions and emotions if you want to be in the TOP 10%.

These days, you don’t have to block out Acct. Mgr. Fred’s horrible music because you’re working in your bedroom. (Thanks, Covid!)

But what about your manager, who made that not-so-discreet comment on the video sales weekly meeting yesterday? (Does your manager know how hard you’re working the Acme account??)

Whether it’s a snarky email from a client, an obnoxious comment from a peer at a company outing, or a mocking statement from someone on the enablement team, you must learn to manage your reactions and emotions if you want to gain admission to the TOP 10% club.

Even if you’re an expert at maintaining a fake smile while "SCREW THAT MISERABLE JERK" floats through your brain, you know that’s not the definition of managing emotions. (Thoughts need to be managed too.)

Here are a few tips to help drive forward through the muck of the day:
1. Ignore it. Laugh it off.
2. Judge nothing you hear…let the comment made by the miserable jerk (ha) drift away.
3. Empathize: reactions and behaviors are symptomatic of something… maybe the poor person didn’t eat a good breakfast?
4. Focus. Realize it’s your decision how much power you give to negative energy. Don’t let it distract you from working on your goals.

Tomorrow - September 13

Your '25 quota IS negotiable

Today - September 12

On This Day, Mae Jemison

You have heard it a thousand times… *you can be anything you want to be….if you put in the work". Great. But it takes an initial boost to start defining that dream.

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September 11

Upgrade your referrals strategy

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September 10

"I don't know"

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"Of course, I talk to myself…sometimes I need expert advice." – Bugs Bunny

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