Friday, 8 September
Today's Topic
Meeting Preparation

Skill + Do

Ultimately, your internal meetings are about you, right? Your customers. Your accounts. So that means any prep you apply for your internal meetings will result in value to you.

For every minute you dedicate to preparation, you’ll receive 68.34 minutes of value in return.

Okay, you’re right…that’s a BS stat that was made up on the fly, but the point remains: a little prep goes a long way.

You have numerous clients, not just external but internal too. The folks who work to support your front-line efforts deserve your best, and thus, you’re paying them gratitude and helping yourself by properly preparing for your meetings with them.

Ultimately, your internal meetings are about you, right? Your customers. Your accounts. So that means any prep you apply for your internal meetings will result in value to you.

In those instances when you did not have the chance to prepare, do NOT announce you’re "running from meeting to meeting, which is why you forgot to do X." As you can appreciate, that’s a tad disrespectful to those in the meeting.

Your prep should ask yourself, "What do I want from this internal meeting?" And, "What must I do to present a strong case to achieve my goals?" From there, the prep tasks will flow like water!

Tomorrow - September 13

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Today - September 12

On This Day, Mae Jemison

You have heard it a thousand times… *you can be anything you want to be….if you put in the work". Great. But it takes an initial boost to start defining that dream.

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"Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything." -John Kenneth Galbraith

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